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I don’t usually recommend strictly commercial fonts. However, while I was handing out the mail at my boring office job one day years ago, I saw this font on a fancy invitation. I couldn’t keep the envelope and had no way of finding it (I wasn’t even sure if it was a font or hand lettering). So I was thrilled when I randomly ran across it again and finally solved the mystery. It’s Restraint by Marian Bantjes and Ross Mills. And it’s gorgeous.  

Buy at Tiro Typeworks.

Here’s a great font with a sixties album cover feel. Single Sleeve by Vic Fieger. Check it out.

Download at dafont.

I know I’ve said it before but this time I really am going to be consistent with font recommendations. 2013!

So, Absinthe by Franck Trebillac is pretty fantastic! In addition to the version above, it comes in italic and less flourishy variations.

Download at dafont.

Don't ever change Jack Lew

I can’t wait until this signature is all over all our money.


Do you hate PayPal?

Well good news, there are sites other than my site where you can purchase commercial licensing for my fonts:



Creative Market

Creative Market is brand new and I’ll hopefully have a longer post in the next couple days on how awesome it is if you’re a designer looking to sell. So look out.

I’m late on my font recommendation again but in my defense I spent most of last night eagerly awaiting news on whether my office would be open in the middle of a hurricane.

I didn’t forget though and this week I’m way into Runrabbit by Jayniel Villacorta. I  would also highly recommend her blog for awesome design inspiration.

Download at dafont.

It feels like fall outside so here’s a font for the season. There may be other leaf dingbats out there but I’ve always like JI Nature Bats by Jeri Ingalls. I can’t find a designer website but you can…

Download at FontSpace.