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Just submitted a new theme to Tumblr’s Theme Garden. No idea how long it will take to find out if it’s accepted or not but keep an eye out if you’re into that sort of thing.

A few helpful Tumblr theme tutorials...

A couple are actually scripts or widgets but they’re helpful nonetheless.

Tumblr Tag Clouds by Heather Rivers. There are other tag cloud generators for Tumblr but, in my experience at least, this one is the easiest to set up and style. And, it’s super simple to add to custom themes.

Tumblr Infinite Scrolling Instructions by Cody Sherman. Another easy to install script with really detailed instructions. I don’t often use infinite scrolling but when I need it, this works like a charm.

5 tips to boost your Tumblr design by Guillaume Belfiore. The sections on CSS block customization and defying linearity are really handy. And if you want to include your Tumblr posts on another website, I would recommend this overview of Tumblr’s javascript.

How do I get large images in my Tumblr custom theme? This one is from Stack Overflow. The maximum size for images on Tumblr themes is 500px but the second answer on the page by Fred Stevens-Smith offers a great workaround for displaying high res photos instead.

Just in time for Valentine's Day 2013!

Paper Hearts Example

I gave myself until Valentine’s Day to finish updating this font (because if you’re going to set arbitrary deadlines, they may as well be seasonal). Obviously, I missed my goal but it’s ready now.

The new version includes upper and lowercase letters, loads of extra symbols if you purchase commercial licensing, and should validate better than before. You can download it here.

How did I only just find out about Tack-O-Rama? All that time I could’ve been wasting browsing through vintage clipart.

So, since Tack-O-Rama has a section for steampunk fonts and Fringe was awesome tonight, my font suggestion is Xeppelin by Iconian Fonts.

Download at dafont.


Another font recommendation. Scribble Box by KC Fonts. It’s hand drawn with awesome shading. The free version includes capital letters only but additional characters are available.

Download at dafont.

Favorite childhood Christmas program.

I’ve been so busy with my own fonts lately that I haven’t had made any recommendations. So, to rectify that oversight, allow me to draw your attention to Problematic Piercer by Vinterstille. It has a cool futuristic, sci-fi feel.

Download at dafont.


Do you enjoy spring afternoons, nostalgia, and, most importantly, bikes?

Then have I got a font for you.


BIKES. It’s a dingbat composed solely of bikes. Vintage, luxury, tandem. What more could you want?

The capital letters are detailed illustrations while the lowercase are simplified versions for smaller uses.

Free for personal use and $15 for commercial licensing.

Download it here.