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There's More Than One of Everything

I think the reason I enjoy Fringe so much is it’s similarity to this childhood favorite. Just replace Joshua Jackson with koala bears.

Speaking of, back before Lost revealed itself to be some sort of elaborate practical joke, there was so much fantastic Lost art on the internet. Why isn’t there any Fringe art? There’s so much to work with. Observers. Zeppelins. Different colored universes. Get on it nerds.

I’ve wanted to do a leafy, viney kind of font but never manage to get around to it. Luckily, there are great fonts available already like Leafy by West Wind Fonts. It even comes with an awesome shaded version.

Download at dafont.

Mellow Yellow 2.0

Mellow Yellow screenshot

Just updated the Mellow Yellow theme. Cleaned up the code a lot and added Google Analytics and Disqus commenting.

Install it here.


Bound to happen sooner or later

Tumblr has joined Facebook, Twitter, io9, Dirty Bird To Go,, and Historic Hudson Valley on the very, very long list of websites blocked on my office computer.

Thank you Blackberry app.

Return to Sender by Tom Kolter.

I really like the old timey hand drawn effect. I also like the author’s claim that “Androids who appreciate good artwork like this font” because it started me wondering about the programming of such androids.

Free for personal use, pay for commercial.

Download at dafont.

I download a lot of fonts. More than I can even use. It’s an embarrassment of riches.

So I thought I would start sharing some of my favorites, beginning with Panic by imagex pictured above. It only includes capitals and numbers but those capitals and numbers look awesome. Free for personal use only.

Download it at dafont.