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Font Update: Boo Boo Kitty

Boo Boo Kitty Font Poster

My font recommendation this week is one of my own!

From time to time I’ll go through and clean up/expand on some of my older fonts. This time I took an all caps font with mixed textured/non-textured styling and a) gave it a lowercase alphabet b) split it up into separate regular and plain styles, and c) added additional characters to support more languages.

As always, please let me know if you run into any installation errors.

Get more details here.

Chekharda by Overtype is a bold, slightly italic font with retro feel. Plus, it’s free so go download it today!

Download at dafont.

Using the will_paginate gem to generate a React renderable HTML string

Generally when I post about programming it’s because I’ve finally found a solution to something that has been driving me crazy, some problem with a lot of documentation to read through and not a lot of Stack Overflow answers (and if they do exists, the use case is always a little off). This is no exception!

First, why would you want to combine React and Ruby gems? In my case, I thought it was the simple, lazy path. Way back when, the site I work for was built using will_paginate for all pagination. I recently ran into a case where I needed to include that pagination in a React app. It wasn’t for anything fancy, the links and logic needed to match the rest of site. So, trying to re-create the gem magic in React seemed like overkill compared to creating a partial with the code, generating an HTML string using the Rails render_to_string method, and sending it to React to dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

Well, it turns out will_paginate uses the url_for method and it was not happy to be called without the request data (undefined method `host’ for nil:NilClass?!) it uses to build urls. After a lot of hunting around, I came across this pull request to get will_paginate working with mountable engines that seemed adaptable. My helper accepts the request from the controller and pulls out the necessary fields to send with it’s own instance of url_for

module WillPaginateHelper
  class StringLinkRenderer < WillPaginate::ActionView::LinkRenderer

    def url(page)
      @base_url_params ||= begin
        url_params = merge_get_params(default_url_params)
        url_params[:only_path] = true

      url_params = @base_url_params.dup
      add_current_page_param(url_params, page)

      if @options[:url_builder]

  def will_paginate_string(collection = nil, options = {}, request = nil)
    params = {
      :host => request[:host],
      :controller => request[:controller],
      :action => request[:action]

    unless request.query_parameters.empty?
      request.query_parameters.each do |k, v|
        params[k] = v

      :renderer => WillPaginateHelper::StringLinkRenderer,
      :url_builder => ->(params) { Rails.application.routes.url_for(params) },
      :params => params

    will_paginate(collection, options)

(GitHub Gist)

Then, in the partial that is being rendered to a string, it’s possible to call will_paginate_string(collection, options, request) and the results can be sent as a JSON response to render in React.

Admittedly, Rails isn’t my strong suit so I’d be interested to hear if I missed some easier way to do this.

It’s Friday. Time to download some new fonts.

Alvaro by Don Marciano is a condensed, slightly rounded typeface that is free for personal use. It’s all caps but includes extended punctuation and accents.  I’m especially into the way he handles the numeric characters since I think it’s harder to make them really stand out.

Download at dafont.


Practicing Hand Lettering for Democracy!

I just signed up to write for a new campaign on Postcards to Voters (yay! Florida vote by mail enrollment!) so I’ve been going through some of the cards I sent out during the 2018 elections.

Set of postcards to votersSet of postcards to voters

In addition to providing something concrete to do when the news gets too depressing, it’s also a pretty good way to volunteer for people who are into fonts or hand lettering. If you’re like me and have trouble staying motivated when it comes to brainstorming ideas, this is a great way to try things out with some actual content to work with. Plus, it feels great when the candidates your write for win.

Set of postcards to votersSet of postcards to voters

It’s super easy to get started, just go the site, sign up, and send in a photo of one postcard to get approved.

I try to change up which foundries/designers I recommend and I already mentioned 7NTypes back in July but I also really, really love this font so here we are. 

Monorow One is an awesome arrow-y monogram font that comes with a set of frames for the number characters. It’s free for personal use only.

Download at dafont.

Back to the recs. Mightyful by Deena Type is a delightful display font (with great promotional art). It’s free for personal use and includes lots of swirly alternative characters.  

Download at dafont.

What I Learned Working on Very Slow Pages

One of my recent projects at work was a rewrite/redesign for blog pages that averaged page speed indexes (indices?) in the 90000s. The upside is that I managed to accumulate a lot of helpful articles and resources on the topic of web performance. These links cover general tips and asset handling. I have other lengthy lists of bookmarks dealing specifically with optimizing CSS and JavaScript that I’ll try to sort through later.


Front-End Performance Checklist 2018
It’s likely this will be replaced by a 2019 checklist in the next few days but for the time being, it’s an extremely comprehensive guide to planning, improving, and maintaining your page performance. 

Progressive Tooling
A handy, well-organized collection of third-party tools.

Using Preload and Prefetch in Your HTML to Load Assets


In my case, we were too worried about the possibility of a flash of unstyled text to really optimize our fonts (*sigh*). If you have more leeway, these are good reads. Also, if you’re loading web fonts from a third-party (Cloud.typography, Typekit, etc.), always double check that you aren’t loading font weights that you never use! 

A Comprehensive Guide To Font Loading Strategies

Web Font Optimization at NerdWallet


I’ve been using this lightweight lazyloading plugin. It automatically handles dynamic content which has been really useful.   

Responsive Images: If you’re just changing resolutions, use srcset.
Good introduction to using srcset for image sizing.

Optimize everything! Even SVGs.

TGIF! Here’s a great free font!

Peony by Sarah Rudkin is an awesome chunky, hand lettered font. I would also highly recommend visiting her website and checking out her icons for an adorable corgi illustration.  

Download at dafont.