Download at FontSpace or buy at Creative Fabrica.
The year has been over for two days so, before I close it out, here's a quick look back at all the fonts I recommended. The big question is, how close will I get to twelve?
January - Liquidie by Forberas
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Market.
February - Party Attack by NihStudio
Download at 1001 Fonts or buy at Creative Fabrica.
April - Ring Angle by Isolatype
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Fabrica.
April Part 2 - Moodstone by Adante.Creative
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Market.
May - Blumebungabloem by GlyphStyle
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Market.
July - ZT Shago by Zelow Type
Download at dafont or buy at Creative Market.
September - Pearson by TypeFactory
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Fabrica.
September Part 2 - Philipa by TypeFactory
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Fabrica.
October - Starday by Lettersweet
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Fabrica.
ZT Shago by Zelow Type is a pretty fun, unique font family. The regular version is available to download free for personal use although I'm most partial to the extra rounded bolder weights.
Download at dafont or buy at Creative Market.
Ugh, I’d hoped to get this out way back in February and really lost my motivation after missing Valentine’s Day. I guess the day before the 4th of July will have to do.
The Paper Hearts font now has improved kerning and three new variations: outlined, color, and color outline. The color files are OpenType SVG and work in all browsers and programs that support that format. Get it here.
It also seems worth mentioning why these updates were taking so long and the lessons I learned. A while back, I switched to the Glyphs App but, after years of using much older software, I hadn’t explored a lot of its features. So I was trying to outline each heart shape manually and taking ages on every character while also not getting the consistent look I wanted. But it turns out there are easier ways! The tutorial How to make a monoline font goes over using the Offset Curve filter to apply an outline to an entire instance and the forum post Apply strokes to all glyphs explains how to use mekkablue scripts to add the same stroke settings across the board. I used the latter for this font and it saved so much time.
Look out for even more outline options! Maybe I’ll do Horseshoes next.
It’s a new font you can download! La Jefa is short, scrawl-y, and very loosely based on a card I received from a former boss (hence the name).
Commercial licensing is $15 and includes additional language support and a webfont kit but you can try it out for free. If you have any issues with installation or notice anything odd, please let me know!
Cherry blossom season just ended but you can still enjoy this bloom inspired font. Blumebungabloem by GlyphStyle is a bold, flowery display font that you can try free for personal use only.
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Market.
Moodstone by Adante.Creative is a fun, quirky font. I like the combination of loopy letters and blunt edges. Free for personal use only.
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Market.
Been traveling a lot lately and got behind on trying out new fonts so I’ll just post one every Friday until I’m back on my one a month schedule.
Ring Angle by Isolatype is a fun, hand drawn font that would be good for kids books or projects. It’s free for personal use and includes an italic style. I especially like the alternate characters (like the R, g, and A above)!
Download at Font Space or buy at Creative Fabrica.