Posts tagged code
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CSS3 Animated Geometric Loaders

A lot of Destiny playing has been going on in my apartment lately and after weeks of seeing it whenever I glanced up at the TV screen, I was inspired to work on a few geometric animations.

You can view the results here.

The code is embedded below or you can get it directly at CodePen.

See the Pen CSS3 Animated Geometric Loaders by Lauren Ashpole (@laurenashpole) on CodePen.

CSS3 Animated Social Sharing Buttons Revisted

An update on a quick post I wrote a while back about some social sharing buttons I was working on. I just cleaned up that pen a bit — created examples for each sharing service, prefixed the CSS, added a new animation option — so a demo page to show them off seemed in order.

The demo page is here and the code is here.

I should also mention that the social icons all come from Font Awesome and the background were much easier thanks to this post.