New Theme: Space Race
So I was in the middle of a futuristic sci-fi theme but I kept running across great flat space illustrations and couldn’t get that design style out of my head. Space Race is the result.
This theme is responsive and should work on at least the last two versions of all modern browsers (IE10 isn’t pixel perfect but it works). It also includes optional animated celestial objects like comets, meteors, satellites that are pure CSS and were partly inspired by my attempt to do the Daily CSS Images Challenge (work interfered with that pretty early on).
Fonts and colors are totally customizable and you can choose between a single or double column layout.
This theme supports:
- All post types
- Links to major social networks
- Reblog and like buttons
- Related Posts
- Likes
- Following
- Group Blogs
- Notes
- Recent Tweets
- Disqus
- Google Analytics
And possibly other features that I’m forgetting. If you have any questions about getting the theme set up, let me know.